Monday, October 25, 2010

The Big Tilt-Off

Well, it wasn't enough to learn the lesson once...

After losing a few buy-ins on Friday night, I tried to recoup the losses
very late at night at higher limits... extraordinarily high limits.

I essentially tilted off my entire Full Tilt roll down to $2.00 at NL100.
I was actually doing quite well until I lost a Full House to a larger Full
House (54 with a 456 flop. A 5 on the turn, and we're all in. Villain
was holding 66 to achieve a better Full House). I then went to Pokerstars
with an "F"-it attitude and proceded to tilt off the entire balance there
where two pair lost to a rivered flush.

After these events, I had essentially $2 left. And I still owe myself my
initial $600 Full Tilt deposit.

New Rules
1) No play past 1 a.m. When I play "up" and "take shots", invariably its
well after 1 a.m. when my judgement begins to be impaired with fatigue.
At 1 a.m., I will immediately set to sit out at all tables after the next
big blind rolls around to me.
2) Stricter Bankroll limit enforcement. No taking shots unless adequately
bankrolled. I will continue playing at each level until I have 30 BI for
the next level. I will fall back down to the lower limit if I drop to 20
BI's at any point. These buy-in limits are site specific.
3) Cashouts. Once I hit each milestone of $50, $100, $200, $300, $400,
$500, at any given site, I will cashout half of the balance. This is
BEFORE any consideration to move up in stakes. It ensures I stay at lower
limits longer. It also ensures that it is not possible to do as much
damage if I go on a fatigue-induced bankroll tilt-off again.

Since Friday, I have played short-stacked NL2 tables at Full Tilt, where
the maximum buy-in is $0.80. I have done quite well and built that
balance from $2.00 to $6.75. I am still inadequately rolled for NL2, but
it looks like I will get there without any problems.

On Stars, I had to rebuy to be able to play at all. I rebought for the
minimum. $10.00. This will be repayed in addition to the requirements
above (perhaps wait until I hit $60 rather than $50, then cashout $35).
After playing a short time on Pokerstars, my balance there is now $11.90.
So this is encouraging too. The only problem is that there are no
short-stacked NL2 tables. Minimum buy-in at any table is $0.80 (40bb's)

I should be able to recoup these losses. At NL2, over 14,000 hands, I am
achieving a win-rate of 23bb/100 hands. I've won about $60 at this limit.
There should be no reason I cannot continue to do this and rebuild my
bankroll at this level. It will just take a lot longer to accomplish.

Current FT Balance : $6.75
Current PS Balance : $11.90
Current Owing: $610.00
Current Bankroll: -$591.35

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