Thus far, this weekend has been absolutely incredible.
My bankroll has increased from about $187 to $234.47. I believe that is a 25% increase.
Here's how it happened....
Last two weeks, I have been having incredible success playing the $3.4 10-man turbo Sit and Go's at Pokerstars.
On Friday night, I played in three of them. I received 1 first place finish ($15) and 1 second place finish ($9). After that, I noticed my Frequent Player Points balance was 20 points away from clearing the $15 reload bonus. Well! I fired up 3 double or nothing SnG's with a $1.1 buy-in. Unfortunately, I lost all 3.
So, I formulated a plan to clear the rest of the bonus by the end of the evening. I foolishly decided to play in a couple of NL25 games (that's a $25 buyin), which would normally require my bankroll to be 5 times its current size. I would play VERY tight, and choose tables with a very high average pot. The reason for the high pot is that higher pots mean more rake, and more rake translates into more Frequent Player Points (FPPs).
Needless to say, it ended up being a wild ride on NL25. I was up a full buyin, then down 2 buyins, then finally I ended the session once I cleared the points.... and miraculously, I was up $3.37. One problem is that I was only playing two tables, and just couldn't play less cards and tighten my game up.
Anyhow, before I went to bed, I noticed a menu item on the software "Sit and Go Leader Points". This got me curious because I had been running so well at the $3.4's. I saw that I had 240 points out of 7 games. The minimum block of games however, is 20. I extrapolated that if continued at that rate, my final points would be : 686. The current leader on the board was at 630. Then I see that I have until tomorrow evening to play my additional 13 required games - unfortunately, not going to happen. Too bad, because being at the top of the ladder in a given week pays $300 at this level, as well as entry into a $50,000 tournament! Wow. So I pledge to try again starting tomorrow evening, after it resets.
WELL, Saturday evening arrives. I play a few to warm up. By the end of the evening, I've played 8 of the 10-man $3.4 (buy in total of $27.20). I'm first place in 3 of them, for a total of $45 in winnings. Not only that, but I get eliminated in 4th place on the bubble in two of them, so a great night was close to being absolutely fabulous! Can't complain about that!
Anyways, checking the new leader board, I have 100 points with 4 tournaments played (the other 4 were played BEFORE the evening's point reset). So at this rate, I will have 500 points by the end of the block of 20 tournaments, which is good enough to cash in, I believe!
Anyways, so far, a great weekend. My Sit and Go / Tournament graph is at the top there. (the red line is luck adjusted winnings). $234.47 is the highest my bankroll has ever been (well, except for when I deposited for the reload bonus, but promptly withdrew that amount).
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